Children eating healthy snacks.

How many times a day do you hear the phrase ‘‘I’m hungry’’ usually followed by you saying ‘’you literally just ate an hour ago’’ to your child. As parents, it seems that our children are always hungry and when offered something to eat, they don’t want it or they sit in front of it for an hour using it as their new toy and then abandoning it. So, what can be done for those hungry appetites that arise between meals? This is where the importance of snacks comes in.

No, we don’t mean a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar but filling and nutritious snacks. Now we know that this is easier said than actually done, and then actually eaten by kids instead of used as a new toy but we have a few healthy snack ideas for you to try.

The keyword to remember when thinking about what snacks to give to your kids is ‘Variety’. Don’t satisfy your child’s craving with just one type of snack but a combination of flavours and textures. Such as peanut butter on apple slices or cheese cubes with strawberries. Also, avoid anything too filling as then you’ll have problems when it comes to other proper meals. Here are some examples you can try out!

Remember that you as a parent highly influence the diet of your children, if they see you snacking always on chocolate and crisps they will most likely want to do the same. Please note that there is nothing wrong with occasionally having sugary snacks but these need to be enjoyed in moderation.

Happy snacking! 

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