Image of healthy food and cooking

A great little activity you can do with your children is getting them involved with cooking. Many children love to help out and are proud of themselves when they see the outcome of what they made. Not only is cooking a fun activity for children to dive into but it is also an essential life skill that they will use forever. Even just knowing basic meals can be useful for when they are older and spend time alone at home.

There are many ways of including your children in food preparation and also you can take this opportunity as a great way to teach them different names of food and terminology related to cooking. You can also teach them different techniques and explain why such techniques are used. Such as why we sift flour or why we should preheat the oven before when baking. We suggest adding in many different colours when preparing meals with children not only does this indicate a variety of vitamins but it will also make the experience more fun.

Try making mini pita bread pizza with funny faces or as a little treat making baked goods can be a fun way to interact with young ones. Teaching them how to cook meals that are quite simple but are also healthy at the same time is a great way to prepare your child for adulthood. Once in a while, it’s okay for them to make some ‘unhealthy’ food such as desserts. They can decorate some cupcakes or cookies. It’s important to let them embrace their creative side and try to let them control the situation as much as safety allows.

We hope that this gave you some ideas and happy cooking! 

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