I’m sure your children ask you many questions throughout the day. Sometimes you end up answering a different question every 5 minutes and think to yourself ‘do I look like an encyclopedia?’. Some of the questions can be so bizarre you wonder how it is even possible for a child to come up with such a question. We understand that sometimes it can be tiring answering such questions but it is important to never make your children feel silly for trying to learn things through questioning. It is also important to ask your children questions and put the focus on them. We don’t mean the usual frustrated ‘Who made a mess?!?!?!’ question but informative questions that really allow you to find out how your children are feeling.
Here are some questions you can ask your children daily to find out more about them:
1) How are you feeling emotionally today?
This gives you an insight into how they are really feeling and gives an opportunity for your child to vent to you. We all have days where we don’t feel a hundred percent and our children aren’t excluded from this feeling so it is important to ask them how they truly feel and make it a point to normalize these feelings. There is nothing wrong with feeling a little down some days. When asking this question, the point is to ask it to understand and not to respond.
2) What are you grateful for today?
This question really shines a light on the things your children have and should be grateful for. It will provoke thought in your child and also show them that the importance should be placed on the things we have rather than the things we may be lacking.
3) What would you like for us to do today?
This puts them in control of what they want to do that day and also shows them that you value spending quality time with them and that you want them to enjoy it.
4) Is there anything that may be bothering you that you want to tell me?
Be open to hearing anything that a child may want to tell you. Let them know that conversations between you and them are a safe space where any topic can be discussed.
Children are usually very willing to confide in a parent but you need to make yourself open to receiving issues. By asking them questions, you really show them that you are interested in their lives and the way they are feeling.
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