
Playing with other children is so important for little ones. The benefits are endless and highly affect overall development. Playtime is the beginning of early socialisation for youngsters and it is important that relationships between children are positive and that any negative relationships are intervened. So, how can you as a parent encourage your child to play well with others? 

Teach children the use of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, these words are very important in playtime and teach children that they need to ask for toys that belong to their peers and not just take them. Use these words from a young age and encourage them to use them by rewarding them when they do.  Pointing out good behaviour and explaining why you are rewarding children is crucial as otherwise, they will only relate a certain action to being a positive act but once they have been explained why you deem the action as positive behaviour, they will relate it to other situations. If possible, observe your child playing with other children. If you have more than one child and they are close in age, this is a perfect situation to observe how your child interacts with siblings and correct any bad behaviour. If you only have one child or your children have a big age gap, playdates can be a great way to see how your children socialise and also this will be fun for your child.  

The most important step in developing positive behaviour in playtime with others is to play with your child. Ask to share things and observe any negative habits that can be fixed.  Children learn highly by imitating. Meaning that if you set a good example, they will probably follow suit. 

Are your mornings usually smooth or are they rushed and filled with panic? If so, check out our previous blog on morning routines:

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