
Have you been feeling a little overly stressed out lately? Maybe you’ve noticed yourself getting angry at little things or that you are losing your temper way faster than before. We have all been there at some points so don’t be too hard on yourself. Having young children can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed in turn leading you to a state of constant frustration. This will have an impact on not only your parenting behavior but also your relationship with your partner, friends, and your work. Here are some factors that could be testing your patience and how to fix them. 

1) Mess and inorganization 

Your house is a total mess or your workplace is totally unorganized. Does this sound familiar? Working or living in a messy environment will definitely lead to stress. Not only does it look messy but you’ll also take longer to find things as they will be lost in the piles of mess and it will take you longer to get work done if in a messy workspace. How can you fix this? Schedules and lists are key. Make a weekly plan for chores that need to be done and see which family members can help out. Remember it takes a village to raise a child so do not put pressure on yourself to do everything alone. Same with your workload, prioritize what is important and tick off the tasks you’ve completed daily. Do not make long lists that are not humanly possible to complete as this will leave you feeling overwhelmed and you’ll end up not doing anything.

2) Crowds 

You may be thinking, what do crowds have to do with you lacking patience. Well, being surrounded by people and not being able to move around freely while you try to keep an eye on your little ones is enough to drive anyone mad. Think of times you’ve lost your temper out shopping, was the place packed with people? Probably. Try to avoid going shopping at peak times where parking is a hassle and where pushing a stroller or holding hands with your children becomes difficult due to the lack of physical space.  

3) Temperature 

Again, you might be thinking why is temperature is on the list but trust us it plays an important role. Not only are you more likely to get frustrated when it is too hot or too cold but so are your children. Summers in Malta are scorching and being out midday running errands will probably leave you feeling run down and frustrated. So, plan ahead. Try to avoid going out in the hottest hours of the day. Waking up early and getting things done will not only leave you feeling more productive but these hours are definitely cooler in summer plus less traffic and people. In the winter, wear layers! Both for you and your children. Wearing layers not only is great for insulation but also gives you and your kids the option to remove a layer or two if you get too toasty.  

Remember patience isn’t a constant variable and many factors affect your temper and overall patience. Finding out what causes you to feel frustrated and anxious will definitely help in overcoming these factors.  

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One of the hardest parts of growing up is dealing with big changes such as changing schools or moving house, we are here to help 🙂