We are all so busy these days. Having children really does add to the busyness of life. Not to say that they don’t make it amazing, because they do but a lot of time is taken away from us as we dedicate more time to meeting the needs of our little ones. On top of this, some of us have another job next to parenting, which also takes quite a significant amount of time. This can lead to us feeling overwhelmed and behind on work and other important tasks. Unfortunately, we cannot make more hours in the day but we can help you get the best of those 24 hours. This is where an important term comes in ‘work-life balance.

What exactly does this mean? This means finding a balance between work duties and your personal life. Many people have the wrong assumption that the more hours you put into your work, the better the work will be and the higher chance of getting a promotion. Now although dedicating time to your work is important and doing the occasional overtime can really help you catch up with your workload, too much of anything isn’t beneficial. So, how do you find this balance? 

Firstly, prioritize your time. To-do lists are your friend so do use them. Have two different To-do lists. One for work-related tasks and one for tasks that need to be done in your personal life. Figure out what tasks are urgent and which tasks can be done another day and prioritize accordingly. Do not write super long to-do lists that are impossible to finish as this will actually deter you from completing any of the tasks. 

Figure out your peak time and dedicate it to errands and work tasks. Some people are more active and focused during the morning while others function better at night. Set yourself a time frame where you can start working on that to-do list. Remember not to leave tasks to the last minute as this will just cause unnecessary stress. If you have a deadline, you shouldn’t be starting on it that day as if anything unexpected comes up you won’t manage to finish or you will just be under a lot of unneeded pressure. 

When scheduling time to fit in all your work duties and chores, DO schedule in personal time. This means dedicating an hour or two to doing something you enjoy. Spending time with your child or having a relaxing bath with lit candles while someone looks after the children. Try dedicating personal time after you’ve completed your tasks for the day as this will be a nice reward for yourself, plus you won’t be thinking about all the tasks you still have to do. It is important to achieve a work-life balance for your overall health and happiness.

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If you are worried about over spoiling your children, check out this blog!