
How motivated are you? And even more importantly how motivated are your children? As parents/guardians, we all wish for our children to be motivated in life. It is easy for any of us to become unmotivated and even more likely so for a child to become unmotivated. So how can we motivate our children and keep them that way? Keep reading to find out.

We will start off with the most important step which is making learning fun and engaging. Children will more likely be enticed by fun games and engagement rather than a boring lesson that drags out. We don’t mean this for only academic learning but learning in general. Even just learning basic skills like cooking should be made fun to keep your children interested.

The second point is to be involved. Truly know and understand your child’s interest. Not only will this help you figure out ways to incorporate their interests into fun activities but it will also encourage your child to try new things as they will feel you are with them every step of the way. 

This next point ties with the previous tip of being involved. Encouraging creativity is important and to encourage it, you’ll need to know what to encourage which is why it is important to be involved. Listen to your kid’s ideas and add to their ideas if anything comes to mind. When children feel you believe in their dreams, they will believe in them too.

Motivate your children by turning activities and learning into a competition. Using tally charts or timers or progress charts can help motivate your child to achieve more. For example, your child is learning a musical instrument, try making a chart with goals and deadlines. An example would be playing along to an easy song, then a more difficult challenge. Competition with oneself or others isn’t a bad thing as it may be viewed by some. Just never turn competition into comparison. 

The last point is communication. Talk to your children if you see they are feeling unmotivated or frustrated. Why are they feeling frustrated when they do their homework or when they are playing their sports? Knowing what causes lack of motivation or frustration in your children will help you come up with a solution.

Teaching independent skills is all part of the growing up process so check out our blog with a couple of tips:

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