School Tears

School is now in full swing and we really do hope it is going well for you and your children. Unfortunately, we know that the start of school can be troublesome for children and parents/guardians. If it isn’t going as smoothly as you may have hoped then you aren’t the only parent/guardian going through this. Many children struggle with the new routine and have a hard time adapting, this could result in tears when you are dropping them off or even throughout the school day. So, how can you help your child adjust to this new transition? If you hear back from your child’s teacher that they are crying throughout the school day, here are some things you can do!

See if they are allowed to take their favourite toy with them to school such as a teddy bear or a toy to help with fidgeting. Even if they can just have the teddy in their bag, it will help them feel more comfortable.

Talk to your child and explain the process of school and what happens. The more you do this, the more they get used to the procedure. Ask them about what they did that day at school and if they liked it or not. Find out which days they have classes and routines, in this way you can prepare your child for the day ahead. For example, if on Monday they have physical sports, prepare them from Sunday and Monday morning. Asking them what do they think they will learn or what sports they will play. 

Last but definitely not least. Communicate with their teacher. This is so important. Do not be shy to contact your child’s teacher, this is part of their job and they will be happy to figure out with you how to make your child feel more comfortable at school. Teachers are they to inform you about the well-being of your child and they will pick up on why your child may be feeling distressed at school so do get in touch.

We wish you and your child the best for this scholastic year 🙂

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If your kids are having problems with homework, here are some tips: