Fun parent

Do you ever stay up at night and worry that you aren’t a fun parent? If you do, do not panic because you aren’t alone. With work, chores, and errands, it can be hard sometimes to find time to do things that are fun with the kids. None of us want to be remembered as the grumpy parent that never smiled so here are some fun activities that you can easily do with your kids! 

Build a fort 
This was such a fun thing to do when I was a child. Me and my sibling would set up the living room with loads of pillows and blankets and create a little fort. Use chairs and large blankets to create a tent-like structure where you and your child can hang out and tell stories or read a book. 

Wrestle together 
Boys will love this! Get together and have a little wrestling match. Obviously, be gentle to make sure no one gets hurt and be nice and let them win a couple of rounds. 

PJ day! 
Have a day in the week where you get to stay in pj’s with your little one. You could also turn this into a movie marathon, where you get to each pick a film and watch it together while you have a lazy day indoors. Choose some good snacks and comfy pj’s! 

Crafts together 
Crafts are always fun. They are also great for the development of motor skills in younger children and embrace creativity. We suggest keeping a box of all the crafts you do together as when they get older it will be a great activity going through all the crafts and memories together. 

Get out of the house and have a picnic. You don’t need to go anywhere fancy or buy loads of food. Just going outdoors is enough for your little one to have an adventure. Pack up some snacks, drinks, and a blanket to sit on and you are ready to go. 

Have a baking session. Why not bake for another family member or a friend? Not only will you have fun baking and teaching new skills to your child but you’ll also demonstrate the importance of giving to others by sharing your baked treats. 

Play board games 
Yes, we know that all board games can be found online but there’s nothing like having a game night with the whole family. Playing cards or a game of monopoly is a great way to have some friendly competition. 

No matter what you decide to do, the important thing is for you to be present. It’s easy to let children do crafts alone or play a board game between them and their siblings but memories will be made with you only if you are present. If you want to be remembered as the fun parent, you need to be present in those fun times.

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