
I think we can all agree that communication solves almost all problems yet it is one of the hardest things to get right. We tend to assume that others will know how we feel without using words or when we do use words, we end up misunderstanding each other this leads to arguments and hurt feelings. Overall, we all need to work on communication and this doesn’t exclude the communication we have with our children. Your children may need things from you, yet not know how to properly express themselves. Here are some common feelings that children experience but might not talk about. 

You love your children more than anything right? But is it enough? Let us explain. Providing for your children is very important but this might isn’t enough for your children. Them having new clothes and new toys isn’t enough for them to feel loved. You’ll be surprised how spending some quality time with them and being interested in their hobbies will go a lot further than giving them a new toy to play with.  

Your children need a lot of attention and if they don’t get it, they won’t ask for it but they will act out. It is not enough for you to be there physically but you also need to be there emotionally for them. If you show up to their football match and spend all the time on your phone, you won’t be emotionally present with them and this is heartbreaking. The small things go a long way. Showing up for a sports game or a dance show is simple but goes a long way. 

Support them! It’s okay if you don’t agree with their decision but you need to support your child. We all need a support system and that includes your child. Let your children know that no matter what, no matter how many mistakes they make, you will be there to pick up the pieces. They will need to feel independent and that they have space to grow. Giving them the support to become the person they want to be and to start being more independent is crucial for your child to feel like you are there for them. 

Children may not ask for love, attention, or support but they definitely need it. Remember that these feelings may be obvious to you but your children might need a bit more clarification and it’s rare that they asked directly for it.

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