Strong Personalities

Do you ever look at other children and think how are they so calm in comparison to yours? Then you feel guilty for thinking this and end up feeling like a bad parent. Yep, we have all been there. We usually see other children for short periods of time and usually, they are out and on their best behaviour. If you have a stubborn child, you probably think other children are perfect but this is far from the truth. So how do you deal with a strong-willed child? 

Firstly, know their triggers. When does your child become hard to deal with? Is it when they are hungry or tired or stressed? Try and note down when they become the most difficult to deal with and come up with solutions to avoid being in those scenarios. Maybe leave events earlier to avoid excessive tiredness in your little one or carry snacks on you in case you are out and your little one gets hungry. 

Eye-level communication. Your child cries and has a meltdown for attention usually to try to communicate a missing need for them. If you and your child become pros at communication, these meltdowns will decrease. Try asking your child what they want and let them know that you want a calm and clear answer from them rather than tears. Getting on a child’s level will remove those feelings of power and authority and make them more likely to open up. 

Spend time with them. A lot of bad behaviour comes from lack of attention and your child tries to get your attention the only way they know how (crying and having a tantrum). Try to dedicate some time every day to have some one-on-one quality time or as a whole family. Not only are you giving your child the attention they need but you will also learn a lot about their personality and behaviour when you are interacting with them. 

When you are stressed, your child will be stressed too so do take time for yourself or with your partner to unwind and relax. Parenting is not an easy job and being constantly tense won’t benefit you or your children. 

Another factor that adds to bad behaviour is tiredness so check out our blog on sleep tips:

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