Behavioural Issues

Seeing your children grow each day and become little people is beautiful and fills most parents with pride but problems arise too. When your children are babies, the biggest problems are getting your child to sleep through the night and trying to keep their nappies clean 24/7 but as they get older, their behaviour could become an issue. You may be lucky and have the perfect child but we know this is not reality. Bad behaviour, tantrums and lack of cooperation are a normal part of children growing into themselves but when it is too much? Bad behaviour can stem from various roots so please do not take these points as a fix-all remedy but these points could help you. 

As stated above behavioural issues stem from different factors and could even just be a short phase in life but we do suggest trying to pinpoint the root of the problem. Could it be that you are overrun with work and haven’t been giving enough attention to your little one? Don’t worry we aren’t judging; we know how hard it is to balance all aspects of life. Could it be that there has been a big change in their life that may be causing them to feel unsettled and act out? Or maybe they are having difficulties in school and as a result, they are getting frustrated and bringing that frustration home? There are numerous reasons why a child might start acting up so think hard of what it could be. 

If you do manage to figure out what is causing the issues, try to remedy the situation. But how else can we encourage positive behaviour? 

Firstly, by mirroring it ourselves! Remember children are greatly affected by their environment and what they see around them. So, mimic the behaviour you want to see. How so? Stay calm in arguments. We all argue and have disagreements. It is totally normal. If possible, try to avoid arguing in front of your child but if this does ever occur stay calm or walk away to have a breather. This will show children to not raise their voices or get physical. Also, discuss your problems with another adult in front of your child. Obviously, we mean age-appropriate problems but this will show children that they need to discuss problems with others and not let them build up. Children need to be taught how to adequately express their feelings and that it is okay to show emotions. 

When a child is acting up such as shouting or crying or hitting you, it is crucial you do not react back in the same manner. Shouting back or hitting them back will just reassure them that their behaviour is acceptable. When disciplining, it is important to stay calm. 

It is important that children are taught how to communicate their feelings and how to do it in a calm and safe manner. When children can get across their frustrations, you will be able to deal with them before the issue gets out of hand. Remember behavioural issues can be worked on and aren’t a reflection of your child’s personality.

If your child struggles to commit to tasks that require their focus, this is the blog for you!

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