
Going on holiday is great! Seeing a new place and experiencing the culture is amazing but actually getting to the destination can be a bit stressful. Passports, boarding passes, and packing suitcases can be overwhelming and when you add children to that equation the situation can become too much to handle. Well, do not worry because we have some tips for you that you should definitely be read if you have a holiday coming up soon! 

Hungry kids are frustrated kids! That means tears, tantrums, and a breakdown for you. That’s why it is crucial to have prepared snacks with you. Do check the airline’s rules and regulations regarding bringing food onboard but most airline companies won’t have a problem. Also, consider the journey to the airport and the journey once you have landed. Don’t just prepare snacks for the airplane but for the whole journey to avoid hearing ‘I’m Still Hungry!’. 

Make sure that each of your children has a small bag filled with some interactive toys (remember these shouldn’t be loud as otherwise other passengers won’t be pleased. Colouring books, reading books and games can all be fit into a small bag so do take these with you on board. Remember a long flight means children will get bored so have as many entertainment options as possible. 

Having a stroller can be a lifesaver. If your child is in the age where they have started walking on their own and can go quite a long way to not estimate the airport. Malta airport is quite small in comparison to other airports so do consider that you man be walking long distances between exiting the aircraft, baggage reclaims, and passport control. A stroller also doubles up as a great storage unit where you can place snack bags, toys, and your children’s bag pack. 

The most important thing to remember when traveling with kids is planning. Plan ahead and also explain to your children the process so they are mentally prepared. Airports are big and can be quite overwhelming for children so explaining the process will help ease their anxiety.