
Do you often find yourself repeating orders, yelling at the top of your lungs, or trying to understand how your children have ears yet seem to not hear a word you say? If you agree with all of these statements and relate to them more than anything ever before then this is the blog for you. Having children is amazing and life-changing but there are days where it is super stressful. When you have to repeat yourself multiple times because your child is choosing not to listen to a world you say, it can be frustrating. If you feel like you’ve tried everything to get them to listen to you, try out some of these points next time your children choose to ignore your commands. 

Get down to eye level! As adults, clear communication occurs when two or more people have a conversation and this involves looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to. So do the same with children! Standing over a child can be intimidating while getting on their level ensures that you have their full attention. Also, your tone of voice and the volume are major factors. Clear communication happens when you are calm, not angry. Shouting an order at your child or shouting at them for bad behavior will not get the message through.  

Explain things! Why do they need to clean their room? Why shouldn’t they hit their sibling? Once told why they should or should not do something, remind them when they differ from the desired outcome. Here’s an example: your child hits their sibling. Say what you saw and ask them if they think their behavior is acceptable. Let them answer. If they say that they think it’s acceptable, correct them and come up with reasons together why it’s not okay to do that. Once this process is complete, a suitable consequence can be given. In this manner, the child will know exactly what they are being punished for. 

Play games! Yes, you read that right. Playing games can help improve those listening skills. Games such as telephone where a word is whispered into the ear of the other player and this are continued till it reaches the last player. By the time it reaches the last player, the word or phrase is totally messed up. This demonstrates the importance of clear communication. This game requires more than 3 players so play it with the whole family or at playdates. Simon says is another game that can be played between just two that also works on those listening skills. 

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