Morning routine!

Mornings can be a hectic time for most parents. Usually, you have limited time to do multiple tasks plus you might have to do those tasks with an angry little troll having a tantrum next to you (depending on how your child wakes up in the morning). Forgive us for calling children, little trolls but sometimes if the shoe fits wear it. Just joking but we all know that when children are tired, our job as a parent won’t be easy and that is why a smooth morning routine depends highly on a night-time routine. The goal is to have your angels, sleep enough hours so waking up won’t be such a challenge. Check out our previous blog on setting the perfect tone for a relaxing bedtime routine. It’s linked below! Another thing that helps mornings go by smoothly is preparation. Prepare things from the night before that way mornings are just for the tasks that have to be done in the morning. Prepare outfits the night before, any school lunches that can be prepared before, and have their school bag packed. We understand that you might not be able to prepare everything for the morning routine such as sandwiches as they might get soggy but even having an idea of what you will prepare in the morning and having as much as you possibly can be done will definitely help. 

We suggest waking up before your children and not be woken up by your children. Even just waking up 15 minutes before helps you to prepare yourself and also allows you to mentally wake up properly. If you find the time dedicate 15 minutes in the morning to meditating or reading a book. Having that ‘you’ time is very important. When waking up little ones, have 5 minutes with them where you cuddle and relax. We call this connecting time. Kids need attention and after a long night without it, they will be lacking it so do give it to them.  

Our last tip is routine charts. Having a physical list to see not just for your children but even for you can really aid in creating a faster and smoother experience. The list can include things such as eating breakfast, brushing teeth, getting dressed, and leaving for school. By setting a time where these have to be done as otherwise, you’ll be late and help keep things on track. 

If you enjoyed this blog on morning routines, check out our previous blog on bedtime routines:

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