The early years are nowadays considered as the most important in the life of a child. This is due to the fact that all those first experiences and first relationships during that tender age can strongly influence a child’s attitude and aptitudes towards her/his learning, expectations and achievements in future (Wylie & Hodgen, 2011, Raikes, Brooks-Gunn & Love, 2013).
Gigi and Friends Childcare and Development Centres are all committed to provide the highest level of quality care and to apply the best practices to children in our care in order to develop their full potential. The service offered will be based on the 4 basic principles of the Unicef’s Convention on the Rights of the Child2 namely Survival, Development, Protection and Participation, amongst which:
- The right to good quality education
- The right to receive skilled care and learning opportunities to meet needs and individual choices
- The right to have a meaningful, caring, respectful and continuous relationship with adults responsible with their care
- The right to be protected from being hurt, abused or bullied
- The right to privacy
- The right to live in a safe environment
- The right to play, leisure and rest
- The right to the best health
- The right to safe water and healthy food
- The right for their voice to be heard
- The right to be included and supported to develop self-esteem irrespective of abilities, sex, size etc.
- The best interest of the child is of the paramount consideration before all else