Having children shows you a love that you can’t even imagine until you have them. You now realize the love your own parents had for you and understand more of their parenting techniques than ever before. You want to give your child everything and make sure they have the best life possible but how do you do this without over spoiling your children? 

 It’s okay to spoil your children occasionally but overdoing it will lead to behavior problems in the long run so there are a few ways to make sure you aren’t going overboard. 

Chores around the house. Firstly, make them do age suitable chores. This doesn’t mean that they have to be the cleaner of the house but it is good to teach children that they are part of your little home community which means they also need to do their part. Having them keep their room tidy, clean up their toys or wash up their dishes once done eating teaches responsibility and these are important life skills that they will need to do when you are not with them. 

Encourage sharing. Whether this is with their siblings if you have more than one child, with the rest of the family, or with their friends. Sharing food and toys will shape a kind adult in the future. Explain to children that not all children are so fortunate to have many toys or even enough food, so sharing is always the good thing to do. Not only will this make them kind but also be grateful that they have the things to share in the first place. 

Manners are important. Please and thank you won’t go out of fashion so make sure your child uses them at home and they will surely follow suit out of the home. Also, teach them to apologize when they make mistakes. It’s okay for them to make mistakes and mess up that’s part of growing but they need to know when they do wrong and apologies for it. This is where disciplines come in. We know it’s difficult to discipline a child sometimes but it needs to be done. They need to know that there are consequences to their actions and that not everything slides. 

We hope these tips help you and that it’s okay to spoil your child here and there. Don’t feel guilty for doing it but keep it in moderation to avoid over spoiling them. 

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If you have a picker eater at home and are going crazy at dinner times, check out our blog on fussy eaters: