
Parenting isn’t easy. Don’t get us wrong it’s beautiful and so fulfilling but it’s rough at times. It’s not easy to maintain work, exercise, social life, errands, and the whole life of another mini human being or more for that matter (depending on how many children you have). Sometimes social media plays a big part in deception and making us think that other parents are better than us. This leads to us feeling guilty and upset for no reason. So as a parenting blog, we want to expose some truths that most parents do and that are totally acceptable. Note that these don’t make you any less of a good parent. 

1) TV time. 

You have had a stressful day and all you want is a 30-minute break or to get some laundry done. You turn on the TV and finally your child is subdued. You can finally have a minute to be alone and get some things down or to chill out. We all know that TV time for children needs to be limited but there’s nothing wrong with needing some quiet time while your child watches frozen for the 8th time. 

2) Tablet or phone time. 

Yep, we have all been there. You are out running errands, you are halfway through your to-do list, and are already two tantrums in because your child wanted you to buy a toy that they already have at home and the second tantrum was over the sky not being blue enough. The stress gets all too much so you give them your phone or tablet to play a game or watch something. No one is judging you. You need to get things done and if this helps it go a little more smoothly then by all means. 

3) Skipping bath time. 

It’s been a long day and your child actually looks sleepy and ready for bed. Are you really going to get them undressed and bathed? Knowing that this will probably wake them up and that for the next 2 hours you will suffer the consequences? Probably not and that’s okay. One bath missed won’t cause harm. 

4) PJ’s all day! 

I mean who is going to see them anyway? You are having a stay-at-home day, do you really need to put on some fancy clothes for your child? It’s okay for them to stay in their PJ’s and it’s also okay for you to do the same. No one will shame you! 

5) Jarred food. 

You have committed one of the deadly sins by giving your child jarred food. Just kidding! Every parent has done it once in their child’s life. We constantly want the best for our children and their health is of utmost importance but we can’t always make a three-course baby meal. It’s okay to use a jar of baby food here and there.  

Remember that social media can paint an unreal picture of life with children. Many people feel ashamed or guilty for doing the things listed above but you shouldn’t everyone does them at some point and there’s nothing wrong with it. 

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