Screen Time

Technology really has come a long way. We get to learn so much from the internet and also it’s such a good form of entertainment. It is easy to get carried away watching shows online or gaming for that matter. If you have children who are at an age where they play video games or use a computer then you’ll know what we mean. How often do you have to repeat yourself for your child to finally get off the computer or switch of their PS4?  Although there is nothing wrong with using the internet and gaming as a form of entertainment, there needs to be a limit as it can easily take over your child’s life. 


The first and most important step is setting a limit. Have a time that children are allowed to game or use a laptop outside of school work. This could be an hour a day or even only allow gaming on the weekend. It’s okay to compromise sometimes but don’t be a pushover. Also if you see that these hours are having an effect on your child’s social life or education, don’t be afraid to reduce them. It is easy for gaming or internet usage to take away from studying time and this is a problem. 

Keep them busy! 

You can’t expect a child to sit at home every day with nothing to do. They have a lot of energy and need to use it in some way or another, this is why you need to find activities and things to do to keep your little one entertained. Try looking at extracurricular activities in the community such as sports events, art lessons, or theatre classes. Not only will your child be learning a new skill but it will also get them out of the house away from a screen. Please keep in mind that extracurricular activities don’t always need to be educational. Many parents get carried away with over-scheduling their kids. School, private lessons, language classes, and guitar lessons can leave your child feeling overwhelmed and run down. Although it is great to learn subjects and skills outside of school, it’s okay for your child to have hobbies that are more fun or relaxing rather than educational. 


You might not be the same but for your child gaming or spending a couple of hours browsing the web, is their time to unwind and relax. Be respectful to it! For you, it might be a glass of wine or watching the game on TV whereas for your child it’s a game of FIFA or watching makeup tutorials. Respect their interests and keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with it when enjoyed in moderation. 

Ultimately, you are the boss! 

These forms of entertainment are a luxury and should be seen as a privilege in your child’s eyes so use them to your advantage. If you feel they are behaving badly or getting bad marks in school, limit the time or completely eliminate it.  Also, if you feel a game or an app is inappropriate, that’s your job! You have all rights to research a game or a social media app and think it’s not appropriate for your child’s age. 

We just want to remind parents that children need to unwind and this needs to be respected. If your kid is still doing good in school and behaves well then there’s no need to take away their PS4 or laptop. We all unwind differently especially from generation to generation. 

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